Is Your Concrete Sinking?
It’s a proven fact: Regular weight and pressure of daily traffic eventually causes the breaking down and sinking of concrete slabs and damage to other surrounding structures. This can pose a serious threat to business owners and the safety of their customers and employees. Trip hazards are a lawsuit waiting to happen and can end up costing businesses millions. So, what can you do about it? Concrete lifting is an ideal cost-efficient solution, as it offers minimal downtime and zero disruption to your day-to-day business operations.
Say goodbye to trip hazards with our rapid concrete lifting system!
Our polyurethane foam lifting system is a safe and easy way to lift, level, and stabilize your concrete surfaces. In less than a day you can have the surface completely returned back to normal use again.
Commercial Concrete Lifting is perfect for:
- Concrete parking lots
- Sidewalks
- Interior slabs
- Tilt-wall building slabs
- Stoops and stairs
- Loading docks and ramps
- Driveways
- Building foundations

This means no more noisy jack hammers, dangerous heavy equipment, or ancillary damage to your sprinklers, landscaping, surrounding structures, or customers! Plus, you’ll never need to worry about sinking slabs again.
Let us lift your concrete to ensure safety to your customers and employees! Get your free estimate NOW!