The preferred Solution for your Home’s Foundation Settlement
Precision's Helical Underpinning System permanently solves your home’s settling foundation problem. This system provides you the very best option to repair your foundation back to level.
Helical anchors are hydraulically installed to a predetermined torque to support the weight of your house. Our patented brackets are then installed to support the structure.
- Designed and Engineered to Perform
- Manufacturer's Warranty
- Patented Design
- The Right Choice!
The Causes of your Home’s Foundation Settlement
- Evaporation: Hot and dry conditions may cause soil to pull away from the foundation. Settlement due to this foundation moisture imbalance could cause cracks to appear throughout the structure.
- Transpiration: Tree roots could dehydrate the soil beneath a home causing soil shrinkage.
- Plumbing Leaks: Water from leaky plumbing is often a major contributor to foundation problems including heaving.
- Drainage: Improper drainage will lead to excess moisture build up, which could erode or consolidate soils. Excessive mois- ture may cause heaving of expansive soils.
- Site Preparation: Cut and fill situations, where soil is removed from part of the building site and stacked on another, needs proper soil stabilization before a structure is built; otherwise unexpected movements of the soil beneath the founda- tion may occur.
The Benefits of Helical Piers
- Permanent solution that prevents further settlement
- Installation torque correlates directly to capacity
- 4” structure lifting capabilities
- Year round installation
- Manifold Lift (allows
for synchronized lift) - Designed and Engineered to Perform